When Prozac No Longer Helps 2025 HARD-COVER BOOK

The sixth edition of WHEN PROZAC NO LONGER HELPS!
The book contains all the lyrics (as well as translations), written by Niklas Kvarforth throughout his three-decade long career. 666 copies were printed at first, and perhaps not too much of a surprise then, that all copies were already more or less sold out before they had even arrived at the end of November. In the past, there has been quite a lot of time passing between former and new prints, and as the demand seem fairly high for this new one (which also includes the lyrics for the last SHINING album, as well as all the ones he wrote for HØSTSOL), we knew that we had to act fast, and we did so by ordering a reprint almost immediately, seeing that the first version would probably be sold out much faster than anticipated. However, to make things a little bit more exclusive for those of you who ordered the first one, we decided that we would change the cover artwork entirely, meaning that the second print does not look anywhere near or in fact, even like the one now on shelves.